A Parent + Me Program – Ages 2 – 3

Early childhood activities are some of the most important of your life. We found a lack of quality programs offered for early childhood activity. The primary focus on movement and balance is what sets PowerSproutz apart from other programs that focus on early childhood training.

Many children lack stimulation in these important areas, which can lead to delayed development. Structuring the program around games and play keeps the activities fun and exciting.

All activities in PowerSproutz require Parent participation. Our coaches are with you and your child through every aspect of the program to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Ages 2-3

10 Week Sessions

The Next Session is Currently Being Scheduled – Check back soon for details

Single Session $10       Full 10 Week Program $90

If this is your child’s first PowerTotz session, please fill out and submit our Registration Form & Participation Waiver with your child’s information.