
In this cluttered fitness landscape, it is great to have some consistency and clarity. Having a knowledgeable coach with a complete guide to your fitness is important. These growing fitness needs led us to create GroupFit. From first time exercisers to fitness freaks, GroupFit has something for everyone. Utilizing functional movements, circuit training, barbell training, etc, we aim to improve your life one exercise at a time. Find Out More >>

Sports Performance – Ages 12 – College

Our coaches observed a lack of real Strength & Conditioning programming offered for athletes. This training void inspired us to create the PowerAlpha program at Virtus Barbell: Next Level Programming + Intelligent Training
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Growing With Fitness – Ages 7 – 12

There are specific windows of time when children benefit greatly from exercise. We feel that too many children are being specialized too early and are missing these great development opportunities. The coaches at Virtus Barbell created PowerKidz to combat the early specialization trend.
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Taking The Next Steps – Ages 4 – 6

PowerTotz builds on the foundational movements established in our Sproutz Program. Movement and balance are still a main priority of the program. We also add to those base abilities by introducing more complex motions and skills.
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A Parent + Me Program – Ages 2 – 3

Early childhood activities are some of the most important of your life. We found a lack of quality programs offered for early childhood activity. The primary focus on movement and balance is what sets PowerSproutz apart from other programs that focus on early childhood training.

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A weeklong day camp Virtus style! Ages 5-12

Virtus Barbell is launching our version of a weeklong summer day camp: PowerCamp! As part of our commitment to introduce young people to good healthy habits at an early age, we will be spending the week focused on Health, Fitness, and Community Safety.

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Adaptive ExerciseVirtus Barbell aims to improve quality of life, mobility, and overall physical fitness for all our clients, including those with special needs. Our Adaptive Exercise programs focus on placing our special needs clients into an appropriate training environment, whether it is a group class or a 1-on-1 situation with one of our dedicated trainers. We provide a physical outlet in a safe environment while promoting exercise through learning new skills. Find Out More >>